Friday, November 19, 2010

An Update To Mesothelioma Cures: Surgery, Radiation & Chemotherapy

The prediction for mesothelioma remains daunting, even though some modest improvements from newer chemotherapy treatments have arisen. Cures are very seldom; treatments at earlier stages have better effect.

Several factors including the continuous mesothelial surface affects the development of mesothelioma. This includes the long period between exposure to asbestos and development of the disease. Patient's age and health status also help treatment.

Reports suggested that surgey, radiation and chemothrapy are amongs the treatment of this type of cancer. Surgery itself has proven to be not giving the desired results. The average survival with surgery is around 12 months. However, don't 100% rely on what the statistics says, a few examples indicate varied success when surgery is conducted in combination with radiation and chemotherapy.

For patients who have better tolerants to a complete surgery, `surgeon usually perform radiation at a consolidative stage. Conducting radiation and chemotherapy after surgery has resulted in an increase of life expectancy with patients surviving more than five years. However, if only radiation is given to cure mesothelioma, situation rarely improves significantly.

In January 2009, the United States FDA approved using conventional therapies - surgery in accordance with radiation or chemotherapy on stage I or II Mesothelioma. This is then measured by Duke University in a nationwide research study; the research concluded almost 50 point increase in remission rates.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

You've Got Mesothelioma?

So you've got mesothelioma but have no idea how to cure it. This type of cancer generally exists in the chest or abdomen area - Pleural Mesothelioma. It can also appear on many parts of the body especially abdomen.

Experts have said and studies have presented that the main cause of mesothelioma is frequent exposure to asbestos. When your work involves breathing in or contacting asbestos, you should consult with physicians if you are contracted with the risk of this type of cancer. You can also be indirect contact with asbestos, especially if there is family member whose main exposure is to deal with asbestor.

The positive side however this type of cancer does not develop over night. It takes years or even tens of years before someone can be diagnosed with mesothelioma.

The cure of this disease is not simple. Like many other cancer treatment, mesothelioma needs a long period of therapy - sometimes it may take 2-3 years. During this time, the patient will suffer from breathing an shortness of breath. Other symptoms may follow.

For more information, please consult with your trusted physician if you are at risk.

Lastly if your work is in direct contact with asbestos, you should talk to your loved ones or lawyer regarding possibilities of insurance/payment plan should you be diagnosed with one.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Saving Victims Of Mesothelioma: The Lawsuit Option

The issue of saving the victims of Mesothelioma or Asbestos cancer. This is a story that concerning a friend who was diagnosed of the killer disease. His suggestion in the light of present happening is for victims or thier relatives to explore the Lawsuit option in other to reduce cost and loss.

Hoff Nielsen 45 is a former construction worker and a rare gentleman. He has won several medals in his former company for outstanding achievement and diligence. A happy man who will stop at nothing to ensure the contract construction work will not stop due to any problem! Sadly however Hoff's world has come crashing down as just a week ago was diagnosed as having Mesothelioma or asbestos cancer. This probably emanated from his exposure to asbestos while he worked in the construction firm. What this also means is that Hoff has become yet another of the many silent American victim and sufferer of the very dangerous disease called Mesothelioma.

Mesothelioma is a cancerous affliction that occurs as a result of continuous exposure to asbestos. Asbestos is a substance used to make certain items like pipe insulation, roofing, fire proof drywall, flooring, pipes, fire retardant ceiling insulation, fire, acid and heat resistant gasket and several other products. The time between exposure up on till it becomes full blown is between twenty to fifty years.

The construction and allied sector is no doubt a huge employer of labor with many Americans working in the sector and being exposed to asbestos and related materials and because of this exposure may likely develop Mesothelioma without knowing and through no fault of theirs except for the fact that they earned their wages by working with companies using asbestos most frequently. It is therefore imperative that when a victim is diagnosed with Mesothelioma such victim should seek redress in a law court by filing a suit.

A Warning shot!

The story above is to sound a note of warning to victims of Mesothelioma diseases to be very careful not to institute a legal action without the intervention of an experienced and knowledgeable Mesothelioma lawyer. This note of warning is very necessary in other to open victims' eyes to the complex litigation that is associated with Mesothelioma claims, and for this purpose, engaging the service of a Mesothelioma lawyer is strongly suggested.

A Mesothelioma lawyer is always prepared to fight for your legal interests in court to enable him or her achieve reasonable compensation award to the client.

After consultation with a Mesothelioma lawyer, certain advices on where to file suit and which parties to be sued, state specific legal variations such as statutes of limitations, award caps and insurance regulations that can be used to advance your case in Mesothelioma settlement must have been passed on to the victim.

A good and experienced Mesothelioma attorney always meet with his client (victims) to plot the success of their case through the instrument of the law. Also an experienced Mesothelioma lawyer sometimes make use of his social network and contact to pressure reluctant parties into accepting liability thereby preventing the plaintiff and the defendant from undergoing long period of trials before compensation is effected.

Therefore advise the victims or their loved ones who have suffered from Mesothelioma diseases are advised to always endeavor to consult Mesothelioma attorney for more information about Mesothelioma and their legal rights.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Mesothelioma - Coping Post Diagnosis

There are many diseases out there that you might want to keep an eye out for. However, you would want to be particularly aware of the terminal ones, since those are the ones that you would want to stay away from. However, some diseases, like Mesothelioma, are quite dangerous and if you are one of the unlucky ones to have been diagnosed with this condition, you might be interested in knowing ways to take care of it. Although there is no known cure, you can still cope with this and have some other ways to deal with it rather than just being angry about it and living in denial.

Getting the Right Settlement

The first thing that you would probably want to do would be to get a good settlement for your condition. In most cases, people end up developing Mesothelioma because of their job hazards. Hence, you would ideally want to get a good settlement for this and not have to leave your loved ones penniless. Many companies that were responsible for this condition pay out millions of dollars in terms of settlement and hence, you too should hire a good attorney and get a decent settlement for your condition.

Enjoying your Time

The last thing that you would want to do after being diagnosed with the condition is to go in depression and isolate yourself. You have to learn to face the condition and know that this is not something to just shut yourself from. You should deal with it with the help of your close friends and family. After all, you wouldn't want your last few days to be sad and sullen, right? Hence, by taking these measures, you can ensure that people remember you for your cheery self and not the depressed person that you might become after the diagnosis.

Pain Management

One of the other things to look into would perhaps be the management of pain with this particular disease. You might have heard about how intense the pain can be with Mesothelioma. Hence, it is important to do your bit and take care of the pain without simply giving up on your condition. There have been people out there that have not been able to manage this, but you should know that there are options now to handle this pain and not make it as hard to cope with the condition. You shouldn't give up hope and continue to look forward to living the rest of the days without worrying about what might happen to you.

Holding Manufacturers Financially Liable for Mesothelioma

"Cancer" is a scary word, but a diagnosis of mesothelioma cancer is particularly difficult because the disease is considered incurable. What's worse, many people suffering from mesothelioma were exposed to the substance that can cause it - asbestos - on the job. And in many cases, companies knew about the dangers of asbestos and did nothing to warn workers.

What Did They Know?

Asbestos is a silicate mineral used in manufacturing due to its strength and resistance to heat and fire. When inhaled, asbestos fibers can get inside the membrane that lines the lung cavity, among other tissues. This can cause cells to divide abnormally, and the result is cancer. Another complication from asbestos exposure is asbestosis, which results when the lungs have become scarred from the inhalation of asbestos, resulting in breathing difficulties. The effects of asbestos exposure can't be reversed; symptoms can only be managed.

As early as 1937, the American Petroleum Institute wrote a document warning about the dangers of industrial dust. Most manufacturers apparently didn't care. Even the government failed to act until 1972, when the Occupational Health and Safety Administration enacted asbestos safety rules. Meanwhile, people who worked in industries like insulation manufacturing, shipbuilding, refining, construction and mining were exposed to asbestos on a daily basis.

Most often, people who develop this type of cancer get pleural mesothelioma, in which tumors grow along the lining of the pleural cavity that holds the lungs. It's a particularly painful disease because tumors eventually press on the lungs, kicking off the effects of pleural effusion, wherein fluid rushes to the area. Other times, people develop mesothelioma in the lining around the heart (pericardial mesothelioma) or the stomach (peritoneal mesothelioma). No matter the location, the prognosis of mesothelioma is the same: it will ultimately kill you.

Making Manufacturers Pay

In the last decade, mesothelioma patients and their families have sought to bring employers who knew about the danger to justice through legal action resulting in monetary settlements. Money will never restore a terminal cancer patient to health or bring back a lost loved one, but it helps pay bills and lost wages and sends the message that big business isn't above the law. The good news is that many mesothelioma victims have received settlements ranging in the tens and even hundreds of millions of dollars from major corporations in steel, oil and other industries.

It's in large part because of mesothelioma lawsuits and their related investigations that proof has come to light about companies' knowledge of asbestos dangers. It's been shown that, rather than correcting the problem and protecting their employees, many companies chose to look the other way in the name of profit. They are now paying for that negligence to the tune of millions of dollars.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Mesothelioma - When to Hire a Lawyer For Compensation For Asbestos Exposure

Mesothelioma is a devastating disease. As you already know it, It is a form of cancer. The only known causative factor is asbestos exposure. At the time of diagnosis you may not think about contacting a lawyer. Of course no one think about it. Everyone will think about finding a doctor, but a lawyer?

Should you contact a Mesothelioma Lawyer?

Answer is you should. He is a Mesothelioma Lawyer and he meets many people of same disease. He may be the resource of information about the best doctor, recent treatment options and facilities available for Mesothelioma patients. You may not know how you got exposed to asbestos but a lawyer knows all the causative factors and he may be very helpful in filing a claim.

Next big question is when you should contact a lawyer?

I will say immediately. There are several reasons for it. The very important reason to contact a Mesothelioma Lawyer is there is something called as 'Statutes of Limitations'. It means you only have a limited time to file your case after diagnosis. The statute of limitations time period is set by individual states and varies from one state to another. The clock usually starts ticking on the day of diagnosis. So everyday counts. If you wait longer you may not be able to file a case. And the lawyer knows the 'legal version of causative factor' and why you got the disease. So he will be a better position than you think in filing a claim and against whom you can file a claim. That is important if you are not sure how you got asbestos exposure.

The second reason is the diagnosis of Mesothelioma can bring financial stress. It will reduce the income of the family and expenses increase. Not to mention the treatment costs those are not covered by insurance. If you file a claim you can have a relief that there is financial help on the way. And a Mesothelioma Lawyer understands the disease and care for you and your family.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Mesothelioma FAQ

What is mesothelioma? Mesothelioma is a rare type of cancer disease which generally arises out of the cells covering the sacs of the chest or the abdomen. Pleural mesothelioma is quite common type of mesothelioma, which often presents the symptoms in the chest area. On the other hand peritoneal mesothelioma is less common. This type of cancer disease affects abdominal organs presenting its symptoms in this part of the body, such as abdominal pain, abdominal swelling, vomiting, nausea, and bowel obstruction. The third and the rarest form is pericardial mesothelioma, which affects the sac around the heart.

The main cause of Mesothelioma is exposure to asbestos.

What are the various symptoms of mesothelioma? Symptoms of Mesothelioma could be anything including:

• Building up of a fluid (pleural effusions) around the lungs
• Pain in the chest
• Swelling or pain in the abdomen
• Shortness of breath
• Decreasing of appetite
• Weight loss
• Changing of voice

How Much Exposure to asbestos causes mesothelioma? One or two months of exposure can also result in mesothelioma, in certain cases. There are cases of patients who contracted mesothelioma just by being exposed to asbestos and breathing dust while changing brake linings on their car. There are others who were passively exposed, such as women, while washing their son's or husband's work clothes. The disease can come into being, twenty years after being exposed to the asbestos or even fifty years.

How to cure Mesothelioma? For the indications of mesothelioma to come up, it may take around thirty to forty years, in some cases even fifty years, after the initial exposure to the asbestos. After a person has been diagnosed with this cancer, he will lead a painful life for around twelve to eighteen months. However, the advancement of technology has produced new techniques to cure mesothelioma, increasing the life expectancy of around five years after diagnosis.